EMT Paramedic Certificate

EMT Paramedic Certificate Description

To prepare students for entry level employment as an Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic (Advanced Life Support).

The Hocking College Paramedic Program is accredited through CoAEMSP.

Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing and works with students to assure they have complete college funding, including financial aid, before they start classes. Please reference the course curriculum tab for program costs.

All-inclusive pricing includes the following:


$300......Learning Fee

$20........Health Center Services

$75........Career Center Services

Not included in the All-Inclusive Pricing


Pricing for housing and meal plans can be found here.



Students of the Public Safety Services programs are required to have a negative urine drug screen prior to attending the first day of classes. Students with a positive urine drug screen for drugs not medically prescribed for the applicant or an adulterated result will forfeit their participation in any Public Safety Services class. An adulterated test or refused test result will be presumed a failed test. Students testing positive will be administratively withdrawn from the current semester and will be responsible for the financial impact resulting from the administrative withdrawal process.

The student is eligible to reapply for admission after one calendar year unless the specific program falls under other more stringent state guidelines. If after one calendar year a second positive and or adulterated drug screen results, the student will not be permitted to reapply to any Hocking College Public Safety program.

  • A valid drivers license is required for all fire and EMS courses.
  • A college level anatomy and physiology course is required prior to starting the paramedic courses. If you have any questions about what is acceptable please contact the program manager.

Paramedic Functional Job Analysis / Technical Standards

A Career in Emergency Services Requires a Healing Touch

Graduates of this program are often employed as EMTs, Paramedics, or Medflight attendants.

Employment is available with municipal fire departments, governmental and privately-owned emergency services, industrial fire, health or emergency services.

Public Disclosure of Licensure

Hocking College offers courses, associate degree and certificate programs that may lead to professional licensure and/or certification. Successful completion of the programs listed on this page may potentially lead to professional licensure, registration or certification. Licensure, registration or certification may be global, national, or state-specific. This meets the requirements for the State of Ohio. Requirements for other states may vary. If you currently live in a state other than Ohio or intend to move to a state other than Ohio and use the education completed at Hocking College to sit for such an exam, be aware there may be additional requirements. Please contact the appropriate administering body and/or the college contact for the program to discuss your intentions.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are statements of what a student will be able to do when they have completed a program. They represent the knowledge and skills a program has determined are most important for students to gain from that program and include both the Success Skills (institutional outcomes) and Program Outcomes. SLOs are specific and measurable so the program can accurately assess the degree to which students have achieved each outcome, and they align with college and institution mission and values. Data on the achievement of SLOs is used to make improvements in the program and increase student success. 

Hocking College Institutional Learning Outcomes

1) Demonstrate sound critical thinking, information literacy and technological competency in the production of academic writing and presentations

2) Apply the methods of mathematical, statistical or analytical reasoning to critically evaluate data, solve problems and effectively communicate findings.

3) Demonstrate an awareness of the social, political and economic forces which shape individuals, institutions and communities in the modern world.

4)Understand social justice and the diversities and complexities of the cultural and social world past and present and come to an informed sense of self and others.

5)Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences based on theory and laboratory skills.

6) Cultivate ethical values, personal wellness and personal learning strategies in the development of the whole person, mind, body and spirit.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce and apply discipline specific knowledge and skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, workplace, volunteerism and/or entrepreneurship endeavors.

8) Utilize the ethical and professional application of current information technology and tools effectively.

Program Outcomes

The following outcomes are skills, behaviors, and attitudes cultivated in students seeking an EMT & Paramedic Certificate.

  • Within the level of certification, recognize the pathophysiology, signs of symptoms, and be able to provide emergency medical care in variety of out-of-hospital environments for trauma or illnesses in adults, children, pregnant patients, geriatrics and special-needs patient groups;
  • Display an understanding of the theory and ability to perform skills within the level of certification as an EMT including patient assessment, airway management bandaging, splinting, childbirth, medication administration and other skills within the scope of practice;
  • Display an understanding of the theory and ability to perform skills within the level of certification as a paramedic including patient assessment, airway management, intravenous therapy, medication administration, EKG interpretation, basic life support procedures, and other skills within the scope of practice;
  • Maintain readiness of emergency equipment and facilities;
  • Demonstrate public relations skills;
  • Communicate with coworkers, supervisors, and the public;
  • Write reports;
  • Practice human relations skills and maintain a code of ethics.

Retention Rates

Retention rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research utilizing the following criteria:
  • All registered fall/autumn students with registration status for the following fall/autumn.
  • Excludes special populations - College Credit Plus, Non Degree, Online Military and University Center.
  • Potential for upcoming fall/autumn excludes graduates from that fall/autumn, spring and summer terms.
Academic Year Retention Rate
2020-2021 17% (6/35)
2021-2022 37% (10/27)
2022-2023 16% (5/32)
2023-2024 In Progress

 *Includes students who have taken and passed an EMT course in the previous Autumn or Fall semesters at Hocking College and were eligible to take the paramedic course or those that have enrolled for the paramedic course in the current academic year. Attrition attributed to academic (grades), financial, health, or personal reasons.

Paramedic Course Retention/Attrition

Academic Year Retention Rate
2020-2021 6/8
2021-2022 10/10
2022-2023 8/11
2023-2024 In Progress


Graduation Rates 

Graduation rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research. To ensure appropriate time for data collection, this report will be run and posted annually in the last week of September for the previous academic year. It should be noted that annual graduation rates may change as students continue to graduate. The following criteria will be utilized for the calculation of graduation rates:

  • Overall Program Completion Rate is defined as a percentage of the ratio: 

    All graduates of the program
    All students with the program in their history of programs of study

  • For the purposes of reporting, the program completion rates are aggregated by academic year of entry.
  • A student is considered to have completed or graduated from a program or certificate by virtue of having been awarded the degree or certificate.
  • A student is considered to be undertaking activity in a program of study for the duration of time that they are in an active status in a program or certificate. This is defined by having a Program of Study with a status of ‘A’ during the duration of time they are taking coursework.  Should a student move in and out of active status in a program of study while continuing to take coursework, we only take into account the student’s activity while the program has an active status for that particular program of study.
Academic Year Graduation Rate
2020-2021 75% (6/8)
2021-2022 100% (10/10)
2022-2023 72% (8/11)
2023-2024 In Progress

*A student that completed all requirements after the final summer semester and is rewarded with a certificate of completion is considered a graduate.

Paramedic Positive Job Placement

Positive placement of graduates represents those that graduated from the course, passed the National Registry exam, and were working in the field as a paramedic within one year of becoming certified as a paramedic.

Academic Year Graduates Positive Job Placement
2020-2021 6 6
2021-2022 10 10
2022-2023 8 8
2023-2024 In Progress

National Registry of EMTs Paramedic Exam Pass Rate

  • Attempted the Exam: Number of graduates that make at least one attempt at the exam.
  • First Attempt Pass: Percent and number of those who attempt the exam and pass on the first attempt.
  • Cumulative Pass Within 3 Attempts: Percent and number that have passed the exam on the first, second or third attempt.
  • Cumulative Pass Within 6 Attempts: Percent and number that have passed the exam on the first through the sixth attempt.
Year Exams 1st Attempt Within 3 Attempts Within 6 Attempts
2019-2020 7 14% (1) 43% (3) 57% (4)
2020-2021 6 50% (3) 67% (4) 67% (4)
2021-2022 9 44% (4) 88% (8) 88% (8)
2022-2023 In Progress

What certifications can I receive from completing the program?

On successfully completing the one semester basic EMT course you are qualified to take the National Registry of EMTs exam that is required to gain State of Ohio Certification.  Passage of the National Registry exam involves both a psychomotor assessment of skills and a written exam. Likewise, completion of the three-semester paramedic program, also allows for candidates to take the psychomotor and written testing from the National Registry and gain State of Ohio certification.

Are there any prerequisite classes I need for the EMT or paramedic program?

There are no course pre-requisites for the EMT class.  To qualify for the paramedic class you must prior to the start of the class have a valid State of Ohio EMT certification and have taken a college level course in Anatomy and Physiology.  The Human Organism course provided at Hocking College is designed for meeting this requirement and is often taken concurrently with the EMT course for those that intend to progress into the paramedic program.

Are there other requirements or qualifications to take EMS courses at Hocking College?

All students taking EMS classes must have the following:  A criminal background check. Physical exam, drug screen and flu vaccination.  In addition for the paramedic class, proof of immunizations for Hepatitis B and other diseases are required.

Can I get a degree and not take firefighting?

Yes, you can.  By adding the necessary general subject credits to the technical credits obtained in the EMT and paramedic courses, you can be rewarded an Associate of Technical Studies degree.  This pathway is great for those that seek a career in EMS but are not interested in the firefighting field.


The Hocking College program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (www.caahep.org) upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP). 
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
To contact CoAEMSP


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